Thursday fun and games

Well after doing my scones fresh this morning I toddled of to our State conference..also with my item from recycled materials for the competition..

I had no proper criteria for the scones so didn’t get anywhere with them..they were light as air and I thought pretty good..i didn’t get a chance to grab the judge and find out where they missed out but she did say that the scones were all great but missing in some criteria…this criteria is beguiling…so she is going to do  class in what the judges look for..bonus is I still have a batch of really yummy scones!

Not too bad I don't think!

Not too bad I don’t think!

But bizarrely I am an occasional sewer and took an item that was made from recycled goods…my fave work jeans which were ripped to shreds at the knee had a butt blowout thus causing them to be dead! I also had a heap of old tea towels that the CWA were going to throw out,some old doilies of my grandmas and some old buttons of my I made a bag..

I lined the inside with a teatowel and made an internal pocket..this is inside out

I lined the inside with a teatowel and made an internal pocket..this is inside out

Tea towel strap and tea towel bottom patch

Tea towel strap and tea towel bottom patch

Grandmas buttons and doilie

Grandmas buttons and doilie

At least I didn't come home empty handed and I got a book voucher

At least I didn’t come home empty handed and I got a book voucher

I love the certificate and maybe with the book voucher I can by a book titled “criteria for show judging scones! ”

I met hubby at the vet with Doc who was getting his vac’s and am relieved that the wart on his back that had been bleeding is okay..thankyou!! a huge relief..

So tonight I am packing bags for our brief trip,lists are written instructions for the pets…

And hubby has made great strides getting 16 metres of fencing done with just …59 to go…….

Well done Phil..

Well done Phil..

59 to go....

59 to go….

So when we get back it’s back to the grindstone..the weather is lovely in Brisbane so some sun will help us get re-energised as it has been bitterly cold here!!

Talk and blog when I return stay safe all and enjoy you weekend 🙂 Fozziemum

45 thoughts on “Thursday fun and games

    • Hahahah it is a disgrace this food photography!! they taste amazing made with no recipe just like I watched my grandma do for years ..:( and yes a lot of fencing to go but it will be a big safe area and now way can Fozzie bear jump it for a roo chase!! and it will be snake proof…we are thinking of dismantling the cat enclosure and topping the fence with special cat proofing too 🙂


        • Exactly..they are safe while we are here with them but I wouldn’t trust Fozzie not to go after a roo and the results would be bad..for him..this way they have a huge area and we can go out for longer than two hours …:( don’t like leaving them in the house for too long’s not fair..


  1. You deserved the first place – it looks great! My mom and their freaky friends made this bags with denim jackets, they only placed a seam on the bottom and the button border and used the connected sleeves as strap (the sleeves were the secret stash for illegal stuff). Then they added a gazillion sticker buttons and kinky brooches and another nightmare of the 80’s was ready. 59 metres of fence that’s a lot. we still struggle with our pitiful 18 metres :o)


    • The 80’s were some of the cruellest fashion times ever…my Olivia Newton John black tights and electric blue velvet stillettos were a testament to the tragedy! and sheesh the fence….it’s almost the Green mile ;(


  2. You’re backyard is amazing. So much more magical than mine. I think I could live in yours forever! There’s places I could walk where my hooves wouldn’t touch the grass – this piggies delight!
    And your scones – thud. So should have won. They look delicious. I could easily eat one or 1/2 a dozen – snorts.
    And mommy said she loves your sewing. They are so cute and adorable! XOXO – Bacon


  3. a very safe trip and an AWESOME time bev….
    love the purse, the sconces were great, judge is crazy !!
    ENJOY ~~~~~~~~~~~~laura


  4. Mousiez we fink ya have bin to Brisbane n back now….we iz so far beehind…we iz goin backwardz me finkz!!!
    Dat fencin lookz guud…poor Pappy ahz alot of werk still to do!!!
    Mum sayz yer sconez look yummy n she wuud like sum wif berry jam purrleeze, MOL!!!
    We both agree yer purse iz bery bery bery bery clever…did we menshun we really really really likez it???
    Miss Bev ya are so tallented unlike me Mum who can barelee sew a button back on a shirt….*shakez head in dizbeeleaf*
    How she copez me not nose!!!
    We hopez it warmz up soon too!
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen ❤


    • Thank you guys I will send some scone and jam and cream straight away haahah and I am sure Nylablue mums got the talents well hidden..she may have suprises up her sleeve hehehe luv Miss Bev and gang xx


      • MMM Mum wuud lub jam n scone but hold da cream ’cause she iz ‘llergick!!!
        Mum can talk to da critterz n she iz bery guud at carin fer me n she writez alot of stuff (poetry) n she iz a guud lissener when peeple need sumone to talk to. She used to do alot more craftz n cookin butt she doez not do much anymore. Da Arfuritiz n Hyperostosis n Fibro have roobed her of most of da strength so we keepz fingz simple….
        Mum iz apposta bee cleanin today butt she iz watchin da car race on tape….she iz a grreat sitter on da couch, MOL!!!!!!!!! 😉
        Nylablue xo


        • See mum has lots to offer Nylablue hahaa 🙂 yes the medical things can be nasty!! I can’t have a lot of milk because of the Lactose which gives me a yukky tummy…we have a new lot of milks,cheese and cream here that has no lactose and tatses just the same!! so no iffy tummy!! all the cats here love car racing they sit and watch them go round and round and round and …ooooh im dizzy now hahahah HUgs Miss Bev xxx


          • Yow dat lactose inntallerance is pawfull. Mum doez not have dat but she got da REEFLUX n now her meddycashun iz not werkin so guud after all de Auntibyotickz….so she iz chewin alot of Gaviscon chewiez n burpin far too much….
            Me lubz da NASCAR cause den me can sit wif Mum n snuggle….
            Me getz a bit dizzy too, MOL.
            Nylablue xo


            • Oh no…I hate Gaviscon…uk!!!! I used to have it when I was preggers….I used to sing Glen Cambells osng and change the words to ‘gaviscon oh gaviscon….” hehehe 🙂 Hugs Fozziemum xxx


              • Mum getz da Fruity chewie tabz n dey not too bad. she sayz she iz gonna get da liquid n see if it werkz any bettur. Da 12th can not come too soon fer her!! She iz purrty shure it iz da Blood Presshure med makin da Reeflux…not so guud den!!!
                MOL over “Gaviscon, oh Gaaviscon”…Mum sayz dad song iz “Galveston, oh Galveston”…we had a guud MEOW over diz!!!
                Lub Nylablue n Mum


                • MUm waz laffin readin yer commint. She took her Reeflux med diz mornin but she did not take BP medz n she feelz da BP iz up but she not want Reeflux….she managed oatmeal fer brekkie n a eggie sammich fer lunch. She called Pharmasist who said she cuud take a 2nd Reeflux med befur supper. She did n she eated. So far so guud but we nose dat nastee Reefluz can come on quicklee. Mum haz Gaviscon oh Gaviscon at da ready n Green tea too!!!
                  Poor old Mum….
                  Lub Nylablue ❤


                • Poor old mum indeed..i love eggie sangas as we call them here hehehehe 🙂 has mum heard of Slippery Elm powder it’s good for reflux to ..Gaviscon oh Gavisconnnnnnnnn
                  Hugs Miss Bev xx


                • Yow Mum tried Slippery Elm once n she threw up!!! Siriuslee barfed!!! it waz NOT purrty! Diz iz da prublem Miss Bev she can take scripshun meddycashun more easy den takin natural good fer ya stuff. it iz a real problem fer her.
                  Mum got da new Refluz med named Tecta n it iz werkin well. She did buy more ‘Gavison oh Gavison’ chewiez butt haz not used any!!! So me iz hopin da werst iz over fer her!!!
                  *paw patz* Nylablue


                • Reverse eatin not bother us kittehz so much butt me nose it iz pawfull fer ya Hu’manz!!! Mum sayz da Tecta (propurr spellin) iz werkin purrty guud. She also had to change her BP meddycashun n she iz not shure what it iz doin….she has sum asthma tonite so it may bee frum dat…me wishez Mum cuud bee well wifout all da stoopid medz…butt look at me…me haz bin on medz fer da whole time me bin wif Mum. She iz payshunt wif me so me iz wif her.
                  Sowwy we did not get back to ya sooner…Mum bin so buzy….
                  Bye fer now, Nylablue xo


                • All good Nylablue….busy lives and busy things to do….nothing more annoying than taking meds all the time and changing them and switching this and that…drives you batty!!!!! hope mums feeling better soon sweet one Hugs Miss Bev xxx


                • Mum sayz she iz gettin confused wif da med changez…between all dem stoopid Auntibyotickz durin da Summer n now havin to change 2 main medz she iz not happy…not shure if da BP med iz werkin…poor *old* Mum!
                  How are ya feelin these dayz Miss Bev??
                  Lub Nylablue n Mum xo


All your words are special so thankyou for leaving them