Another day of Summer Sadness

I am going to shut my computer down tonight..the terrible fires that have been ravaging South Australia have sadly taken the lives of many animals at a boarding facility.
Having just picked our babies up yesterday this has been the most tragic of news.
They have lost an entire cattery of cats and managed to save 40 dogs..but many many dogs have perished as well…I am devastated for the animals..the pet owners and the boarding staff who must be feeling totally devastated at the loss of not only all those in their care but their home and business.
As yet the cause is still unknown for the source of this bushfire…

My heart and soul is so it could also just as easily have been my boys and girls..a lot of hurt in South Australia today..
Please spare a purr and prayer for all affected as we are still not out f the woods in South Australia or Victoria.
This beautiful country can be a cruel mistress.

101 thoughts on “Another day of Summer Sadness

  1. Oh how terrible…….that just makes my heart ache. Imagine being trapped in a burning landscape….in a cage or building….just unbelievably horrible. Thank heavens it wasn’t the facility where you boarded your gang. I’m sure there are a lot of devastated people who lost their beloved pets. This is a bad fire season there – I know it’s a big concern every year at this time…..but it just breaks my heart when it’s helpless little animals…..thank heavens some were saved. Will say a BIG prayer for all.

    Hugs, Pam

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    • Thankyou Pam…we know our facility has fire plans..they all do but even the best plans sometimes just do not get a chance to happen..i am shattered…we have some more bad days ahead and I need to really be on my was terrible..stinky hot..the grass is crunchy the winds were wild..when we flew in yesterday the pilot had to do a really quick pull up and go around the wind being so hot and unruly he no choice the plane before us did the same…it is lightly raining here now and it; some relief…but all those poor animals..all those poor owners..i would lose my I go hug my babies and tell them how much I love them…Hugs Bev xxx


    • Thankyou Genevieve…a tragic thing of unimaginable horror…we are safe at the moment and have some light rain..hoping and praying the fire affected areas get a good down pour..except for the lightning…xx


    • Easy I am the same..i am going to run a bath and have a good cry…I am so so upset…just hate our bushfires…hate them..i smell smoke tonight from the fires in our state and I hate it..Maurice messaged me this morning and said could I leave the pups and kitties in boarding an extra day as we had very extreme weather here..i told her we had already picked them up…our boarding is very up to date with all fire precautions but nowhere is totally safe…I would lose my mind if that happened..i have a head ache now…I am shattered…xxx

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      • I so agree to bring my furkids home would be the first thing for me too. Do you know if that fire accrued for no reason or is it an arson? It’s really devastating, you had such a great time and now such horrible things come down on you like a blizzard…


        • I have read either an idiot burning off in an incinerator in 44C temps on a total fire ban day or using an angle grinder both illegal both irresponsible and both with the same outcome….people need to be jailed for a substantial time..EVERY Aussie knows what the rules are..and it happens every damn year…some putz with no brain..sets a chain of horror off..


            • I know..i think they should be thrown in the middle of the bush and made to fight them with a hose..disgraceful and I cannot believe the mentality of these morons…Fozziedad heads off tomorrow to do some training with the State Emergency Service and I will be on the ball here…I am ready to roll at the drop of a hat…


  2. We’ve seen this sad news on television and we were just thinking of you, dear Fozziemum. All our hearts and purrayers are with you and all the animals and people. Maybe we can make it rain with all our tears. Wet Pawkisses ❤ ❤ ❤

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    • Our furbabies were safe as the fires in our state were not near them..but just the thought..made me feel sick..we hope soon that the fires in SA cam down..thankyou for your hugs and we return them to you too..loves Fozziemum xx


    • Lily Belle and Muffin..thankyou..we will keep people posted..we are safe in our state at the moment but stock losses have been high for some folk..South Australia still his battles…we hope it calms soon..such awful news… 😦 hugs Fozziemum xxx


    • Thankyou..we are very safe at the moment…and pray it stays that way..our heart goes to South Australia and to our fellow Victorians that have lost so much..:( hugs Bev xxx


    • I would lose my mind Linda…I dread this time of year..i feel so sick for all that have had to witness this horror and with the loss of their pets..and to have those sweet ones in your care and not be able to save them all…shattering..they will never get over this…


    • Sage thankyou..we have a reprieve in our state with cooler temps and gentle rain..the end of the week looks bad though..poor South Australia still has a battle going on….awful..most horrid thing I can imagine..


    • M.K thankyou…indeed how horrible for them all..we have dodged a bullet with milder temps and rain but the end of the week sees the risk go up again…South Australia still has a battle this morning…:( loves back Bev xx ❤


  3. Oh NOES! That is just awful news…my heart is breaking for all of those peeps and their furkids! Oh man. How devastating.
    All of you are in my thoughts and prayers, and I hopes there is no more loss of life. {{{{hugs}}}}
    Ruby ♥


    • Ruby thankyou..i is sickening..such horror..and it got me because our fur kids had all been in boarding..i would lose my mind…I really hate summer down under..:( hugs to you too sweetie Loves Fozziemum xxx < 3


    • Guys I agree with mum..they are terrifying…unpredictable and hideous…we are always ready to roll and take no chances..urghhh summer down under…loves Fozziemum and gang xx


  4. Definitely can’t “like” this post. Heard about the fires on the radio this morning. Worried now about you and all my other aussie friends. Stay safe.


    • Jan they are..awful…I cannot imagine anything worse..i dread each summer and the threats that the bush brings…I love her beauty here but know she can turn…we always will be aware and ready to heroes here…safety of oets and us and the rest can burn….sad but reality of life in the bush..loves Bev XXX


  5. We are so very sorry for the fire’s devastation and especially the boarding kennel. How very, very sad. Fire is a wild mistress to be sure…she cares for no one. We have witnessed her wrath and will try not to stand in her way. Our hearts go out to the peeps who have lost family members. We are heart sick….

    All our lovs,

    (((Shoko, Kali and mom)))


    • Shoko,Kali and mum 🙂 yes I agree she is pretty damn mean and headstrong..we always respect her power..such a sad and sickening thing…breaks our hearts indeed…:( loves to you all Fozziemum xxx


  6. that is the most AWFUL news. We are purring and praying. I fear those things (and we DON’T get fires like that), whenever I have to leave my boys. I am so sorry for what has happened to those poor defenseless babies. I pray that the fires end so that more innocent lives aren’t lost. Sending much love.


    • Caren it’s beyond awful indeed…our kennels are in bush too they have a great fire plan but things can go wrong anywhere here…and in our state farmers lost 1500 sheep..i hate that..poor stock cops it and the poor farmers cannot get in from roadblocks to destroy injured animals…I would lose my mind…..hugs and loves to you sweets Bev xx


  7. Crikey …… Mum and I are awful upset too. We knew this year would be bad from our travelling around. There’s so much undergrowth and it’s just sitting there ready to go whenever some moron, drongo decides to do the wrong thing. We can’t think of anything else at the moment. Stay safe EVERYONE, animals and peeps!! All the native animals ……. they can’t flee the intensity of those fires. Just tooooooooo sad, aye??


    • Charlie indeed it’s dry as a damn chip! and yes always a moron!! we dread this time of year..Fozziedad is off today with the SES for some training in I shall be here in guard! I worry that if we all go then what of my roos that live here…damn…it’s super sad Charlie…makes us feel sick..and all the poor sheep in Vic here…with pet sheep this really gets me too..our dam is pretty low an we had a least some rain overnight but the end of the week looks bad..Crikey mate..what a land hey ? 😦 loves Fozziemum xx


      • It’s a great land really. Mum and I LOVE it so much but we’ve been worried about this summer for a while now. We KNEW it would be BAD!!!!!! We are safe where we are but you people in the bush …… OMD!! Just too awful for words. If it’s anything at all ….. we think about you constantly. Here’s some good news……Mum finally managed to get you on our blogger dashboard page so now we will get to see ALL your posts. We heard there’d been some rain overnight in Vic so hopefully the situation is a bit better this morning, aye?? You’ve been up north?? Sure hope you enjoyed it. We’ll read about it later when we have more time. It’s a beautiful part of Australia, aye?? I was born in Townsville.
        Stay safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        • Yay Charlie 🙂 glad mum found us..we will be blogging all the pics from up north had a blast and got to visit more of our great Aussie sites! we love our country too..she can be a bit of a cow sometimes though 😉 Born in Townsville hey! another place on our visit list! yes we had rain and it’s cooler..end of week looks getting prepared best as we can..we have 11 acres of bush here so all we can do is hope and be sensible! Knowing you all think of us makes us feel really happy! hugs and loves Fozziemum xx


  8. We heard about that this morning. It makes us sick….that and all the livestock…and probably the koalas and other wildlife.


    • Awful guys….and here in Vic at least 1500 sheep..having pet sheep this breaks my heart too…to see injured stock and farmers unable to out them out if their misery..awful….:( xx


  9. Bev I am so sad reading this. No words can express such a tragic event. I had not been aware of this.
    Yes Summer in the bush is a big worry these days. Like you I get most anxious if I go out and smell smoke in dry Summer weather. Luckily it has recently been very tropical weather here. Jungly, moist and 90% humidity. I hope you all get rains down south today to put out the fires. Stay safe.


    • Thanks sweets..i know we expected summer to be horrid we have had next to no rain..conditions here are far from tropical..when we flew home the difference in landscape was very stark..the humidity is low on these hot windy days…we had rain late yesterday and through the night..not a lot but enough to ward off the worries for a day…we will stay heroes here!


  10. Gentle {{{{HUGS}}} Bev! I am so saddened by this news. I can not imagine & I fear I will not try….I think i would go mad with grief! when I used to board Mingflower I woudl worry about fire….now I worry about fires in this building & leaving Siddhartha alone.
    Fire whether man made or done by Nature utterly terrifies me now….
    Please know you are in my thoguhts & prayers tonight. I am so relieved all your beloveds are home with you today!
    Love Sherri-Ellen & Siddhartha x0x0


    • Thankyou broke my heart..even though our babies were all in a different place we had just picked them of curse with the fires you can never be totally safe…I would lose my mind an I fear I would never recover..such horror…a bad start to the year…Loves Bev xx


  11. I’m so liek you Bev; I’d have the ultimate breakdown if that happened to me.
    I always was laughed at when on VACA because I called the Cattery daily or the Boarding facility for Mingflower. With Nylablue she stayed in the house or flat & I called Anne daily. People think I am crazy but I was just checking in for my own sanity. 😉
    Soemtimes I get so jaded. Thinking a New Year ‘things will be different’…..sighs….
    Bad things never stop happeneing despite what the calendar says 😦


  12. Oh, Bev, when I came to read your blog this obviously was not at all what I expected. How horribly heartbreaking for everyone. My heart aches and goes out to all involved. Anyone with animals is feeling the pain. I pray for them and I pray that you all will get a break in the weather. Love, hugs and best wishes. ❤


    • Linda has been awful to see the toll these fires are taking..sickening indeed..we have a break here at the moment…but later this week brings more bad weather..loves back sweets ..Bev xx


    • Indeed it was so awful I could not sleep properly..everyones worst nightmare…I read today a lovely man who lost two anipals that were in boarding there describe having to tell his young children what had awful..he blamed nobody and said they all cried themselves to sleep…broke my heart a little more this morning….huge hugs to you all < 3< 3


  13. This is sad and horrible news. We cannot even imagine the heartbreak, fear and shock. All of our purrs and prayers are with all of you there, and we send our love.


    • Thankyou so much my friends..this was so awful..beyond tragic…I felt so sick for everyone…I would lose my mind with grief I think…we are safe here at the moment with a reprieve from the extreme conditions…but summer is far from over…I love the bush…but she can be a cruel mistress this time of year 😦 much love and thanks Bev xxx


    • It’s awful…we are safe here at the moment as our conditions have eased…but I was so upset for these poor sweeties…:( thankyou for your lovely thoughts and prayers hugs and loves Fozziemum xxx


  14. That is such awful news. Wes sad, Nature can be so destructive. We is purraying there is cooler and purhaps rainier weather and that yous guys is safe.


    • Nellie thankyou..we have a hot one today but no wind and humidity is pretty high…we have a long summer ahead and hope no more anipals or peeps or homes are lost 😦 Loves Fozziemum xx


  15. Same over here. Horrific road accidents due to weather. People dying in the accidents (been there; done that!)
    House fires. Shootings & stabbings down country in Toronto (so glad I am living far away from all that violence!)
    Trying to stay positive & only 5 days into New Year 😉


  16. Bev, I hope your summer is not as cruel as last; and I pray to God all the animals went… quickly…….

    my sincerest to those families who lost a loved one…..I would be insane….prayers also to all who worked there, I know it’s not easy on them by any means either….

    I hope all is well and as safe as can be out your way ♥♥♥ laura


    • Same here Laura..i would lose my mind and never recover..such awful things that happen in summer and so scary. So far we are fine..we have a lot of rain heading pur way this week..we need it..the dams are so low and the ground is hard and crunchy..the heat today has knocked me around a bit and the humidity at 95 precent…urghhh but we are safe and that is all that matters 🙂 much love to you all Bev xx


  17. I agree Bev…I do not travel anymore because I want to stay alive & the Highways here are deadly. I actually have become afraid. I am ok in town & going North…go figure!
    I DO hold on to sweet moments & a certain sweet kittyboy, lol.
    Love Sherri-Ellen & Siddhartha


    • I know people were saying how brave I was to go in the hot air balloon…really safer than the roads haaahah 🙂 I must away and work on Bashfuls blog posts have finished cleaning the back up a bit from being away crap everywhere..everything is watered..the system failed in some parts while away and our beautiful turf has huge chunks that almost tlc’s 37C 95 % humidity and after working on the blog posts I may have to go swimmies 🙂 Love to you and Siddhartha Bev xxx

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  18. I think I’d try a hot air balloon b4 I’d try one of the southern Highways here, lol…..
    Airplanes terrify me too; show me a Helicopter & I am there….weird aren’t I???
    Want to fly up & roll in our 4+ feet of snow we have here?? It is blizzarding out again tonite….
    I sure hope you can save the sod & garden etc.
    What a bummer that the system ‘crapped out’ while you were gone!It’s always something isn’t it??
    Sending you love & snowflakes, Sherri-Ellen & Siddhartha ❤ ❤ ❤


    • Indeed I do hope it survives…just had Phil on the phone saying not to bust my hump…well if he isn’t here I have no other options..i am not watching all my hard work turn to rubbish…urghhhh men…..funny I have no fear of any of choppers too…but climb a ladder …hmmmm 🙂 Loves and thanks for the snow flakes 🙂 xxx

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  19. So, so sad to hear that news. We are in a more remote part of South Australia on holidays at the moment and I hadn’t heard about this. How devastating! I can’t think of the beautiful cats in the cattery for too long – just so tragic for all concerned. We live in a beautiful but cruel country as far as nature and the environment go. Fires are a constant concern. Hug your beautiful babies. xoxoxox


    • Take care there my sweets the heat is still awful and fires still going..rain is expected and I hope it brings no lightning..i too cannot think too much about it..horrid..we picked the furries up the day before (from Vic though) and it really hit me hard…we do have a lovely country and I would live nowhere else..except perhaps Alaska today is it is nearly 44c and 95% humidity…urghhh I have been hugging my babies..bit hot to today though 😉 Take care loves Bev xx

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All your words are special so thankyou for leaving them