Springing into the week

Thought i would share with you all some of the spring colours that are arriving here at Samovila..after such a cold Winter and some really nasty frosts it is lovely to see life is coming back into my garden.

We have not had enough rain at all and so i am already watering..it does not bode well for Summer….but we are having some lovely warm days and sunshine and myself and the animals included are making the most of sunpuddles and pretty colours..soon enough it will be hot hot hot and brown…

So let’s spring into the week…

Hellebores also called Christmas roses..rallied after a beating by the frosts

Hellebores also called Christmas roses..rallied after a beating by the frosts

These Ranunculus are all starting to bloom....they were planted mid winter and I thought they  had died

These Ranunculus are all starting to bloom….they were planted mid winter and I thought they had died

Wee little and wee wee little look after my pots on the verandah

Wee little and wee wee little look after my pots on the verandah

Wanted to add a dash of colour in the back while we clean the mess and get the Catio organised..so these will hang along the length of the fence

Wanted to add a dash of colour in the back while we clean the mess and get the Catio organised..so these will hang along the length of the fence

The beautiful but deadly Euphorbia..the sap is what is used in poison darts! when the centres get little pods they pop out and you wonder what the noise is..but they shoot up everywhere..so I have been pulling them out even in the backyard..nature makes sure she finds a way to procreate!

The beautiful but deadly Euphorbia..the sap is what is used in poison darts! when the centres get little pods they pop out and you wonder what the noise is..but they shoot up everywhere..so I have been pulling them out even in the backyard..nature makes sure she finds a way to procreate!

Irises line the length of the front garden and the back..they are all doing really well despite severe frost bite..i have been pruning all the frost bitten plants and now they are happy again

Irises line the length of the front garden and the back..they are all doing really well despite severe frost bite..i have been pruning all the frost bitten plants and now they are happy again

Doc enjoying the sunshine

Doc enjoying the sunshine

I planted these daffodils and have had a 100 percent success rate so I am really happy

I planted these daffodils and have had a 100 percent success rate so I am really happy

Forrest enjoying the sun too

Forrest enjoying the sun too

The mystery fruit tree..small fruit fuzzy like apricots..ripe when green and taste like peaches..we call it the peachnectaapriplum tree ...

The mystery fruit tree..with the first little blossom ..small fruit fuzzy like apricots..ripe when green and taste like peaches..we call it the peachnectaapriplum tree …

Pickles getting a sunpuddle on her sweet little feet after her big week..

Pickles getting a sunpuddle on her sweet little feet after her big week..

One of my greatest loves..the Grape hyacinth

One of my greatest loves..the Grape hyacinth

Felix and Oscar enjoy a bit of free ranging before they head to the back paddock ..Jock was eating my wattle trees when I took this..

Felix and Oscar enjoy a bit of free ranging before they head to the back paddock ..Jock was somewhere eating my wattle trees when I took this..

Plum tree blossoms

Plum tree blossoms

Cleo in with the flowers hiding behind my Fig tree..

Cleo in with the flowers hiding behind my Fig tree..

Dinnermintz getting her sunshine fix on the verandah

Dinnermintz getting her sunshine fix on the verandah

86 thoughts on “Springing into the week

    • Thank you Annie..i was worried after the bad frosts..me and my love of all things British and French in regards to flowers…and living in the sunburnt country..in the bush..i am nothing if not hopeful 🙂 🙂 loves Bev xxxx


    • I am not so worried about saying goodbye to winter..i actually enjoyed the break from the foul summer we had…by all accounts the next summer is looking to be as bad if not worse….urghhhh so i understand your optimism at winter!! 🙂 and thankyou i am so glad the poor garden survived the frost..rabbits..the heat of last summer..the dogs,.the cats..the locusts..the snails…hahahahaah 🙂


    • Hahaahah i am amazed i remember the pets names!! i have no idea why..they just stick when i buy them..hubby goes nuts as i say “Just dig a whole near the Lemon scented Myrtle” and he looks at me..i have to point or use a visual description 🙂 🙂 Spring is surely here!


  1. your daffodils are wonderful! is it a special type? I love grape hyacinths too, they are a wonderful sign of spring and they remind me a little of the magic flowers from fairy tales :o) have a great monday, I bet all furkids are happy that Miss Spring will spend some time in Oz now :o)


    • Oh I agree about the grape hyacinths they remind me of a fairy world too! I can imagine sitting under one..shrunk down in size and looking up at them..they are a double bloom daffy and I lost the packet they came in but will find out for you ..they have survived so well and this is their first bloom and I wish now I had bought more! the furkids are so happy to lie in sunshine..it is still cold at night and the weather since late yesterday has been cold but Spring is surely here..i drove out the other day and almost ran the car off the road from squeein as I saw two lambs..little white and black ones..only about three days old ..leaping and chasing each other..such beauty makes my heart sing when the world is so ugly at the moment 🙂


  2. Beautiful pictures my friend – as always! You never take bad pictures. And you know, I’m kind of fond of wee little and wee wee little. They remind me of someone but I can’t put my snout on it – snorts. That fence is amazing! Mom might need to send his chia pig to you. I think that might be the only that thing will grow – 🙂 XOXO – Bacon


  3. So nice to see your beautiful spring flowers with all our flowering done! Fun seeing the fur boys and girls enjoying the spring sunshine! I love Fall but I am not as happy as usual seeing summer leave us this year. It was one of our nicest summers in a long time. The fence looks very nice!


    • Thanks sweets 🙂 I feel the same abut winter leaving…I dread this summer..i think Atumn and Spring are the best seasons by far 🙂 and the fence looks a tad nekky so working on it 🙂 🙂 loves Bev xx


  4. Lovely photos of your plants and fur babies. I’m so envious of you getting your Spring, as we are almost into our autumn.

    Dad’s got Euphorbia. He also has Irises, although not such a beautiful colour as yours.

    Are the sheep pets?


    • Thank you Sue 🙂 the Euphorbias are amazing 🙂 and I love Autumn too..i think spring and autumn are wonderful 🙂 yep Oscar Felix and Jock the sheep are pets..we have had them since they were lambs..they are 9 this year 🙂 loves Bev xx


  5. bev…LOVE these photos and what you did with the fence; and seriously about the euphorbia ?? !! marbles off with jock destroying as well !!! ♥♥ excellent shots….you NEED to put together a coffee table book…I’m telling ya !! 🙂


  6. Ohh truly gorgeous shots here, Bev! All of them… You’ve definitely captured the essence of spring! Just beautiful! Iris’ are one of may favourite flowers too! *sigh*
    Hugs, Carrie and Pups x


  7. What lovely photos! 🙂 And all those beautiful flowers are just gorgeous! As are the photos of you all, sweeties! 😀 It’s good news that Spring is finally there, isn’t it? But it’s the end of summer here… 😦 (*sigh*) Happy Monday, sweeties! 😀 xx Roxy & Tigerlino ❤


    • Thankyou darlings …Spring and Autumn are my favourite months..summer can be cruel here..hoping we have a mild summer and you have a mild winter 🙂 🙂 loves to you all Fozziemum xxx ❤ ❤


  8. What lovely flowers. I don’t recognize many….the irises, hyacinths and daffodils and that is about it. I’ve seen the double daffodils in seed catalogues but haven’t tried them. Nice to know yours have grown….I might try them next year.

    All the furbabes are looking good….did Pickles have blood work done?



    • Shoko give them a go…they look fab those daffies 🙂 and yes Pickles had her bloods done when she had her teeth out last weekand now that patch is all soft and delish 😉 Loves Fozziemum xxx


  9. Beautiful! Our garden and neighbourhood are in bloom, too! We are supposed to get some rain today….but looks like the clouds have moved on. We’ve been having naps outside in the warm sun….love it!


    • Thanks guys! it sure is a great time of year..the cplours and the sun not yet bad enough to fry your brains..we have had clouds and no rain…cold today too..so sun napping is out 😉 loves Fozziemum xxx


  10. Lovely, just completely lovely–your garden is gorgeous. Here in Denver it’s the end of Summer and the golden light of Autumn sure makes everything beautiful but knowing full well, Winter is just around the corner waiting to dump snow on us. For now though, I’ll act like Scarlet O’Hara and say “I can’t think about that right now. If I do, I’ll go crazy. I’ll think about that tomorrow” then pray like the dickens it isn’t as bad as I think it will be (already despising the thought of shoveling a large corner lot!). Wishing you a few rain puddles to go with those sun puddles! ❤


    • Oh I agree Autumn is wonderful! the lighting and colour of the leaves changing an crunching under foot 🙂 we get no snow here..we had a cold winter but very little rain..and we think summer will be worse than last summer…I hope not! so I hope your winter and our summer are both a bit kinder to us 🙂 hugs Bev xxx


  11. I enjoyed your post and your photos very much. I had a well established native garden which is within cooee of merri creek and therefore a bird and insect corridor for more than 20 years. My poor exhusband got mad at me because he wanted to sell my house (the one which I had bought and paid for before I married him and the same one what was in my name) and I said “no” I love it here and I don’t want to sell my house. he gave up work and took up drinking after we got married and said “let’s sell your house” How about “no” Anyway while I was visiting my Uncle Geoff who was sick in Gympie QLD my ex husband completely leveled my garden, took out every living thing and concreted bricks into it. What could I do. 😦 ? . I changed the locks on the house, popped his things onto the front veranda and left a little note with the phone number of my lawyer. AND THEN I set about getting the garden reestablished. It took a while what with having to work full time and appear in court, bring up baby etcetera but I just finished it (with help of my big son and nephews) last weekend. When you come to Barry’s coffee shop you can park in my driveway and admire my pride and joy.
    OH BEV IT IS EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN BEFORE!!! God is present in a garden. <3. Wouldn't be dead for quids. XXX


    • You go girl! indeed I bet your garden has rewarded you hard efforts! so Kudos to you for defying the brick laying ex 🙂 and I agree…I wouldn’t be dead for quid either..i battle a very different thing here than ex’s 🙂 it’s a rock ridge on no soil…and I was spoiled by the lush Yarra Valley soils..if it’s not the ground it’s rabbits or locusts or cats or dogs..but where there is a will to make beauty there is a way 🙂 and I look forward to catching up soon..soon as I can get a day off..urghhhhh xxxxx ❤ ,3 Bev


  12. Wellcome Spring!!! I love all the flowerz; some I have never heard of…you have some beautiful blooms there…I adore the Irises…
    Your window boxes are lovely too. Adds color to the catio for sure.
    Doc & Forrest lookin very happy 🙂
    Dinnermintz so cute & Cleo are panthery (is THAT a word??) & of course dear Picklez who is a real trooper!!!
    As you head into Spring we have ‘fallen’ into Autumn….BLAH!! Far too soon for all our likings…
    Love Sherri=Ellen & Nylablue (who pouts daily)


  13. We LOVE this time of year. So does mom, even though she spends a lot of time sneezing and blowing her nose.
    It would appear that SA decided to skip spring and bounce straight into summer – it hit 32C yesterday!
    BIG licks,
    Wally & Sammy


    • Oh guys! our last spring did that! went straight to the cooker!! I hope like the dickens it does not do that again…we had quite warm days in the weekend but back to 15C today…still no dang rain! and poor mum..hayfever is horrid..:( I hope the pollen doesn’t do too much damage to mums poor nosey 😦 loves and hugs Fozziemum xx ❤ ❤


  14. Everything looks so beautiful bathed in sunlight. Even the most deadly plants produce beautiful flowers.
    You asked about my song on my blog is Carol Of The Bagpipers. I am glad you like the music.
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    Sweet William The Scot


  15. Amazing photos sweet Bev! The flowers are lovely and the colors are gorgeous. All those fur sweeties look super duper! You are a great photographer my friend. Thank you for sharing all that beauty that surrounds you. Hugs for you and nose kisses for the woofies and kitties!


    • Such a lovely compliment Mags thankyou..i never think of myself as a photographer hahaha 🙂 I am glad you liked the pics..they are bright and cheery I think 🙂 and the fur babes …well I am biased 🙂 Loves and head butts from us all Bev xx


  16. Moderate weahter is a fantasy Bev..it jsut does not happen anymore.
    Today it was cold with a North wind AGAIN! We were out for 15 minutes. Big hairy deal (as I use dto say as a youngster).
    I am so fed up with the weather!
    Love S-E.


  17. Oh what beautiful photos! Since we’re in fall now, with winter on the way, it’s especially nice to see all the beauty of spring, and the pets out there enjoying it. xxxooo


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