Keeping busy

Quitting  cigarettes is hard… call them darts, smokes, ciggies whatever it’s an addiction as real as any other.

So baking is one way to keep me busy…

Today it was Strawberry and Pistachio Mignardises..using 6 egg what to do with egg yolks..well the pups had three between them on their dinner and the rest I used my pent up energy hand whisking into a lovely diijon and white wine mayonnaise….

I hope I can kick the smokes or I will end up like Gilbert Grape…. 😦







38 thoughts on “Keeping busy

    • Thanks Bacon! I have halved my habit in the last two days and figure finish like I started gradually…otherwise hubby may just throw me in the dam! I do get a touch antsy haahaha 🙂 out to have a last one (for the night and no I am not being blindfolded first! ) and then time for beddy byes 🙂 Sweet Bacon hugs to you and help yourself to a tiny little cake ..they are so sweet and small 😉 xxxxx


    • Baaaaaa just call me Captain Epic Fail….I turn into some sort of crazed lunatic!!! heading out shortly to battle the wind..weird it’s like a summer evening …and light up said Dart…fag…smoke…durry…sheesh…and then bed to dream…cake/fags whatever pops into my withdrawal addled pea brain hahhaahah not bad half is better than nothing…says the addict 😦


  1. I cross my paws, that you can kick out the smoking devil. My mom tried it 87 times, but she always failed. She says it’s not the fear to end like Gilbert Grape, its more the fear to end up like his mom…. this mayo screems for french fries, it makes me hungry and drooling :o)


    • Indeed see my addled nicotine deprived brain forgets it was poor Gilbert Grapes mum that was the boomba! I am sure I shall get there ..if at first 87 times you do not succeed then go straight to jail do not pass go…oi 😦 we had some lovely crispy skin salmon and a couscous with the mayo..i have plenty left to drown my sorrows with..can you dip cigarettes in mayo????? 🙂


      • I wish I had never started to smoke cigarettes, or I wish I could blame it on someone (except me, of course). Salmon sounds good – do you have leftovers? I think it’s possible to dip cigarettes in mayo, once I bought some with vanilla and cherry, so why not with mayo :o)


    • Oh Mollie I am sure Mommy does 😦 rotten things they are….I am sure mum would make you yummy cakes…while sweating and trembling hehehheeh dang withdrawals 🙂 Thanks sweet ones hugs Fozziemum xxx


  2. YUMMMMMY…..that’s what I say. I also say GOOD FOR YOU in the giving up ciggies department. I quit (cold turkey type quit) in 1984 and boy oh boy oh boy am I glad that I did. Especially when I got my sense of smell and taste back – who knew??? Anyway, I think substituting baking for smoking is wonderful and I applaud you for it….EATING is easy – giving up smoking truly is not but SOOOO worth it!



  3. bev…cut back ONE a day; keep that routine for two or three weeks then cut out one more a day; keep that “schedule” for another two to three weeks, keep cutting back one a day until you are down to ONE a day…then have that one…until you’ve made a date to say …that’s it. this is what worked for me after smoking up to two packs a day for little over 30 years….different idea’s work for different people; this one, cold turkey, the patch, you name it, but you also want to ‘reward” yourself… if you will …for quitting that one, that two, that pack. could be a trip to the store for an accessory item, book, music, donation to a charity; something YOU want to contribute to, just do something for bev as a way of saying…good job, I DID IT !!! best fishes to you; I know it’s not easy but once you’ve quit you’re going to be amazed at what your other senses pick up…for one; how much the D things…cigarettes……stink !!! laura


    • Thanks Laura..i am certainly not going to push myself this time as it fails when I do…such a gross’s getting harder to smoke in Australia anyway..we have some pretty strict rules about where when etc..not to mention the price…I will keep at it 🙂 HUgs bev


  4. I’m sending super BIG hugs your way today…you need them…Such a hard thing to say no to, I truly admire and congratulate you every day!!!! Keep sharing your baking goodies!!!! -Hugs


  5. I’ve been amongst the missing for other reasons, but the flu is one of the worst! I sure hope you can kick the smokies…all it took for me was getting pregnant many, many years ago. Not that I advocate that….

    Sage’s Mom


    • Oh lord no preggers is not the way to go hahahah..been awol again myself 😦 this flu is a killer….grrrrr..I am down to 3 or 4 a day so not bad for a pretty bad smoker!
      Big hugs to you Sage and your mum xxx


All your words are special so thankyou for leaving them